The first stage of creating HVAC system is their design process. This stage is the most important as the efficiency of further works depend on it. At first takes place meeting with partner, during which many essential issues are discussed. After the final agreement, the actual design process begins.
During the creation of HVAC system used elements should be high-quality and comply with the presented requirements․
For more than 25 years MKO OJSC has been engaged in the production of numerous elements that are an important part of HVAC system, such as air duct, their additional components, sound insulators of various sizes․
The next important stage of creating HVAC system is its installation. That process is the complex of installation works of equipment: ventilation units, fans, calorifiers, filters, air consumption control devices. Following all the requirements and conditions mentioned in the project, specialists carry out the entire process.
The main aim of this service is supplying reliable and uninterrupted work during the whole period of climate equipment system.
The highly qualified specialists of MKO who have long-term experience, carry out a complex work, renovating and technical services in industrial and household systems. Our specialists regularly take retraining courses.